Large format lenses, two groundglasses and Mamiya film cartridges

METOPA STEREO is a stereo bellows camera that allows independent movement of any of its elements. Convergent shift saves film, when framing stereo pairs. By rising the lenses or the film plane, keystoning can be eliminated.
The stereo base is variable between 12 and 36 cm. The two Schneider Kreuznach Angulon 90 mm f/6,8 lenses are released with an adjustable y-cablerelease. The synchronisation was precisely adjusted by analizing recorded soundwaves on a computer screen.
The graflock backs allow to attach the groundglass, the view finder and the medium format film cartridges.
The pictures taken with METOPA STEREO have a 6×7 portrait format which is really conveniant for stereo pairs.